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Power Your Business with the Sun: Full-Service Solar Solutions

Our solutions are specifically designed to help businesses with high energy consumption reduce their energy costs and improve their energy efficiency.

We explain the benefits of solar panels and battery storage in detail, including reduced energy costs, increased energy independence, and improved environmental impact.


Solar Panel Installation

Harness the sun’s power and slash your energy bills with full-service solar panel installation. We handle everything from initial consultation and site assessment to expert installation and ongoing maintenance. Power your business with clean, renewable energy and start saving today!

Let the sun be your energy source. Our comprehensive solar panel installation services make going green effortless. Enjoy peace of mind knowing our experienced team will handle every step, from G98/G99 application to ongoing system monitoring. Invest in your future and the planet!


Battery Storage Solutions

Store the sun’s energy, even after it sets. Our battery storage solutions keep your business powered with clean energy day and night. Maximise self-reliance, control energy costs, and boost your green credentials.

Unlock the full potential of your solar panels. Don’t let excess energy go to waste. Our smart battery storage systems provide a reliable, independent power source for your business. Invest in a sustainable future, one watt at a time.

Go green, become more independent. Reduce soaring energy bills and your reliance on grid power. Our innovative battery storage solutions power your business on your own terms. Embrace energy freedom and join the clean energy revolution.


Site Assessment and Feasibility Studies

Precise site assessments and in-depth feasibility studies ensure your business reaps the sun’s rewards. Maximise savings, optimise performance, and pave the way for a sustainable future.

Our expert site assessments and feasibility studies eliminate the guesswork. Discover your ideal solar setup, optimise energy production, and confidently invest in a brighter, greener tomorrow.


Maintenance and Warranty

B4b renewables offer comprehensive maintenance plans and extended warranties for optimal performance and long-lasting value for your solar investment.

Enjoy seamless energy production with proactive maintenance and industry-leading warranties. Feel reassured knowing your solar panels are in expert hands, maximising output and protecting your investment for years to come.


Heat Pumps

Heat Pumps draw heat from the environment using the conventional refrigeration cycle to produce more energy than they consume. They are an extremely effective and efficient way to not only heat your home or commercial property, but produce all your hot water needs.

We install Ecoforest and Hitachi ground and air source heat pumps, both of whom we have partnered with for over 10 years and we know their products inside out .

Daly Renewables have been the market leading heat pump design and installation company going back as far as 2010 when this technology was just emerging in the marketplace and have a wealth of experience working on domestic and commercial projects where heat pumps have been deployed.

Visit the website of our sister company Daly Renewables for more information. 


Our process

Initial Consultation:

Initial Consultation:

b4b renewables offer a free consultation process, from understanding your energy needs to assessing your property’s suitability for solar.

Network Operator applications:

Network Operator applications:

We will manage the application process to bring your system online with NIE to ensure a smooth installation.

Site assessment and feasibility study:

Site assessment and feasibility study:

We conduct an analysis of your roof, sun exposure, and energy usage to determine the best solar solution.

Expert installation:

Expert installation:

Our team have the skill and experience in installing solar panels flawlessly, minimising disruption to your business operations.

System design and engineering:

System design and engineering:

b4b renewables create custom-designed solar systems tailored to your businesses specific needs and budget.

System monitoring and maintenance:

System monitoring and maintenance:

We also offer comprehensive monitoring and maintenance plans to ensure long-term performance and system health.

b4b renewables

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+44 (0)28 9040 0444

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