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Environmental benefits


Reducing Your Business’s Impact on the Environment

The UK & EU are committed to reaching net zero by 2050.

This means that the total greenhouse gas emissions would be equal to the emissions removed from the atmosphere, with the aim of limiting global warming and resultant climate change.

Solar power and energy storage has a vital role to play in how a business responds to rapidly increasing energy demands while also ensuring we play our part in addressing the global climate agenda.

By generating your own energy you can:

Generate CLEAN Energy & Lower your Carbon footprint

Reduce reliance on the Electricity Grid

Store unused energy generated from Solar panels
(Battery required)

Reduce impact of power outages

By installing a 100kw Solar panel array, a business spending £6000 per month on electricity can reduce harmful emissions.

Reduced emissions

Reduced emissions

Avoided C02 emission

Avoided C02 emission

Over the system’s lifetime the environmental benefit would equate to:


Car Kilometres Eliminated


Trees Planted


Long-Haul Flights Eliminated

b4b renewables

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+44 (0)28 9040 0444

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